Saturday, February 25, 2006

Living in America Means Just that!

If one lives in the U.S. one Might think they could speak the language of our country.
Have any of you gone to a McDonald's or Burger King or any other Fast food place and found it difficult to understand the person on the other end of the intercom say:may I take your order or something like that in some sort of Broken English. The you begin to give them an order and during the process you wondering " is this person on the other end really understanding what I want or am I dreaming"and then wondering if I will wake up and find it was just a dream.
It is very Frustrating to me that we have to put up with this type of nonsense.. If I went to Europe or some other foreign country and tried to get a job there I would expect to be quized as to my ability to speak the language of that Country
Why do we as so called do Gooders think that we have to be "understanding" and let the nonsense here continue, or feel that we dont want to offend someone by asking them to get the english down a little better before working in a place that requires interaction with the Public. Am I asking too much here? Can anyone set me strait or feel that I need to be?
Well If not it seems that we need to go back to the way it used to be and learn a few things. anyway Its late... Hope someone will give me some feedback.